Friday, June 5, 2015

Surgery 26-Part 2

Obviously I survived that night.  With no sleep.  The next morning,  my doctor came in to see me and we had a long conversation.  He is not convinced that that this is a permanent solution.  He is still hoping that the ventricles will grow and he can do a third ventriculostomy or put in a cistern shunt which is not commonly used.  Since I was still having "contractions" in my brain Monday morning he decided to put me on a medication that reduces pressure in the brain.  Among other medications.

Once I started taking that medication, I did notice an improvement.  They decided to release me on Tuesday afternoon.   They will be monitoring me closely, doing many CT scans and I will be starting physical therapy soon. I still can't get up or walk around by myself.  Also I have to use a walker at all times.

I am still having pressure headaches all day long and they get worse about an hour before it's time to take that medication.  Last night the "contractions" started again but luckily they went away during the middle of the night.  I am not convinced that this will last forever, but only time will tell.  I literally have to take things one day at a time and need to be careful because I am basically a walking time bomb with a shunt shut off. 

Although I don't feel better, it is amazing to be sitting here writing this blog with a clamped off shunt.  You can only imagine how incredible it was for me to leave the hospital with it turned off.  That is all I wanted.  It may not last forever but I will enjoy the days that I have without it.

But please don't get in your minds that this is it because it really may not be.  My doctor doesn't even think so and he's been my biggest advocate.  Everyone keeps saying,  "I thought this would be the surgery to work" and that's just not how any of this works.  Also I would appreciate if people didn't tell me to remain positive because that has only caused me nothing but depression.  This is the 3rd time that they have attempted to remove my shunt so you can imaging how devastating it was when it didn't work the last two times.  Besides I would never tell people how they should feel about something yet some people seem to think they need to govern my feelings.

On that note I want to share the video of me leaving the hospital.  I wanted so badly to walk out on my own and luckily they allowed it with some conditions.  This is THE MOST IMPORTANT moment of my life and I want to share it with all of you.  Enjoy and grab the tissues.

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