Hands down the best birthday celebration I ever had was when I turned 18. A friend of mine was in a band and you all know by now how much I love music. I asked his band to play in my mom's backyard because it was big enough to hold a large crowd. Two other bands were going to play as well. Several of my friends from high school came but it was mainly friends of the bands' that showed up. And there was a lot of them! Much more than my mom anticipated. Oh and did I forget to mention that my friend in the band was a lot older than me? Like several years past the legal drinking age? And they brought alcohol.
We had made up flyers to let all the neighbors know about the noise and tell them that they could come if they liked. There was a cover charge so I could pay the bands for their time. Well the noise ended up being a little louder than the neighbors cared to hear. The cops showed up on our property. I was 18 and would be responsible for anything that might happen. Since I didn't want to be slapped with a fine I decided to shut the shindig down. Two of the three bands got to perform. When it ended the bands and their fans all left but my good friends stayed around.
Even though it got cut short and my mom was furious with me for the amount of people that were there and the destruction they left behind, it was an incredible night! I had so much fun! Just knowing that the bands were playing for me made me elated. One of the bands even played happy birthday. I did have to clean up all the bottles and trash that was left behind in the yards and neighborhood but it was still worth it.
Fast forward seventeen years to my 35th celebration. This was also epic despite the fact that my shunt was acting up and I was in a lot of pain. One night my husband and I went to a punk concert to see Pennywise and Lagwagon. Both bands still rocked after all these years. My head was pounding so bad and I had to sit down a lot but I enjoyed every minute of it.
The next night my friends, husband and I went to see a Neil Diamond tribute show. (That's right I am not ashamed to admit that I like Neil Diamond and punk music.) The tribute show is really a comedy routine. And it's hilarious! The club asks in advance if you are there for a special occasion so they knew that it was my birthday. Because of that I got some extra special attention from "Neil". We even sang together to Cracklin' Rose. It was awesome! My friend Tracy dedicated Rhinestone Cowboy to me and we danced together. (Yes I know Rhinestone Cowboy is not a Neil Diamond Song. That is another story in itself.)
So the next day on my actual birthday I was in so much pain from two days of festivities that I could not get off the couch. But I had plenty to reminisce about while I was laying around.
Okay now we are backtracking just a few years to the funniest birthday celebration that I have ever encountered. We decided to go out to dinner to Red Robin. My son was about three years old at the time. We ordered, enjoyed our meal, and then my son announced that he needed to use the restroom. My husband decided to take him. That is when three or four of the staff came over to sing happy birthday while I was sitting there-ALONE. I even asked," Do you have to do this right now?", and apparently they did. I can't even imagine what the other guests were thinking or what color shade of red my face was. My husband and son come back just as they were finishing up and leaving me a bowl of ice cream. My son was ecstatic about the ice cream but my husband immediately cracked up. I couldn't help but join in with the laughter and ice cream. I mean come on. Who gets sung to while they are sitting alone?
This year since my health is so poor we are just planning on going out to dinner again. I have my first occupational therapy session during the day for my walking issues. I really hope I can sit through our meal at the restaurant. All I know for sure is that if my son has to use the restroom I will be taking him!
This is me and "Neil". Such a great night!
Lagwagon rocking out at the Roseland.