For the first three days after surgery I was pretty much unconscious. I slept all day and all night. Once I started sleeping less and being upright more, I noticed that my low pressure headaches came back. Along with my annoying eye twitch. When the headaches are at a 10 on the pain scale, I have trouble walking. Basically I am back to laying down all day.
Initially, the returning symptoms devastated me. But then it dawned on me. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe something good is finally going to come out of all this insanity.
Today I had my stitches removed. Although I wasn't scheduled to see my doctor, he came in to see how I was doing. I am going to have another CT scan within the next two weeks and then I will see him in about a month. We pretty much have a game plan set and this does include surgery again but if this works, this may be the last one for a very long time. I don't want to reveal too much until he and I can talk about it more but I am very hopeful that this is going to work.
I do need to clear something up. Recently people have been telling me that my husband told them I was fine after surgery and they seemed very shocked that the symptoms returned. The day of surgery I was so sick that I only got out of bed to use the restroom. I did walk the halls the next day before leaving the hospital but after that I was unconscious for three days. It wasn't until after I was up and around after being asleep for three days that I noticed the symptoms were back. So I am not convinced that the surgery ever really worked in the first place. Besides, sometimes it takes awhile for the anesthesia and pain medication to get out of your system. You may feel better than you really are. I think all of us, including myself, really kind of jumped the gun on this one because we were hopeful that it would work. I think it's best to wait a few days before giving updates and letting people know how I am doing.
Also it's hydrocephalus. Things can change at any time.
So stay tuned for updates in the future. Also I have plans to write more articles to talk about my journey thus far and spread more awareness. Thank you for reading.