Monday, March 30, 2015


Since I am just four days away from my 25th surgery, I thought I would share some of the ways that I recover after surgery.

First and foremost I need to sleep!  Resting is the best way for the brain to heal after brain surgery.

Although rest is essential, I make sure that I take a couple of walks a day.  Walking is an important part of recovery. 

Of course I love listening to music.  I always take my I-Pod to the hospital so I can listen to a special play list before they take me into the operating room.  Then I have the hospital give me the I-Pod so I can listen to it in the recovery room.  Once I get home Pandora is usually playing on the television.

When I am not listening to music, sometimes I enjoy watching movies.  Mainly comedies but sometimes the kid in me still likes to watch Disney movies.  I have already told my son that we need to have a Disney marathon one of the days he is home on spring break.

I am an avid reader. Once I have given my brain enough time to heal so I can concentrate, I will read a book.  I love mysteries, detective novels, and horror.  Sometimes it takes me awhile to get through a book because my memory is so bad and I often have to re-read pages.

When I was a kid I always wanted banana Popsicles at the hospital.   The hospital that I use now doesn't carry them.  We often go on an odyssey to find banana Popsicles but when we do it's like heaven to me. 

I enjoy doing word finds so I work on those when I don't have blurry vision.

I am a chocoholic and usually want some after surgery.  Just a little of course because it is important to eat healthy after surgery and drink plenty of water.

I make sure to keep my incisions clean and dry.  I clean anything that I lay my head on frequently.

That about covers it.  What are some of the things you like to do or have after surgery?